
We are all looking for resonance. That feeling of, “Yes! That’s it exactly.” A subtle vibration, like that of a tuning fork, that lets us recognize ourselves in the Other. So that we feel seen, and to give our experiences meaning. It’s not our suffering that breaks us, but our belief that it serves no…

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A Cut so Deep

Yesterday, in response to what happened in a courtroom in Ohio, I wrote a stream of consciousness, from the heart piece. To my deep surprise, the essay went viral with the community the Chardon shooting affected. I’m not exactly sure why that happened, except that something must have resonated with those who chose to share…

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You don’t have much time

If your days are numbered And they are How will you spend this day? 

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There is a Brokenness…

“There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken, a shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable. There is a sorrow beyond grief which leads to joy and a fragility out of whose depths emerges strength. There is a hollow space too vast for words through which we pass with each loss, out of…

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In Quiet Moments

In quiet moments She slips in A shadow on my soul Or is she my soul And I the shadow?

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