What a Bouquet of Flowers Taught me About Feeling Worthy

I’ve had a rough go of it lately. It’s one of those parts in the journey when just as I’m approaching light at the end of the tunnel, the tunnel caves in and the train blows up, and I’m left knocked on my ass for a few days until I decide I’d better start moving…

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An Evening with the Queen

Last night, I and about fifteen other amazing women, gathered to share our experiences working with The Desire Map. It was my honor to lead one of the hundreds of book clubs that took place around the world.  As a surprise–though one I expected thanks to a post on her social media–Danielle LaPorte, the Queen…

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What an Inchworm Can Teach You About Life

Lately, inchworms have been showing up in my world: in my garden and in images on social media. Never one to turn down a chance to look for deeper meaning, I’ve decided to look at the humble inchworm. It’s slow-moving, there’s no doubt. And yet, if the desolation of my plants is any indication, it…

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3 Life Lessons I Learned from Writer’s Block

As I work on this draft of Tether, I’ve run into some stumbling blocks. I know the main points of the story, but have had some trouble connecting the dots in a way that makes sense and seems organic to the story I’ve told so far.   Last night, I was browsing through reference books…

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Why I Write

I write for the underdogs, the misfits, the I-don’t-fit-ins. I write because when I was younger, I felt alienated and alone, and one of the few ways I felt like I belonged was when I was immersed in a good book, or transported by a movie or TV show. I write in the hope that…

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