May All be Free

All beings deserve to be free. Yep, even douche-bags.* Although, I’m in full support of correcting or shunning them. But the truth is, if people prone to douche-bagism were more internally free, they would be less externally douchey. When we are free, really free in our minds and hearts, we have nothing to prove, nothing…

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We are all looking for resonance. That feeling of, “Yes! That’s it exactly.” A subtle vibration, like that of a tuning fork, that lets us recognize ourselves in the Other. So that we feel seen, and to give our experiences meaning. It’s not our suffering that breaks us, but our belief that it serves no…

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There is a Brokenness…

“There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken, a shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable. There is a sorrow beyond grief which leads to joy and a fragility out of whose depths emerges strength. There is a hollow space too vast for words through which we pass with each loss, out of…

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thoughts for the middle of the night

you are not alone.  not even right now when you feel you must be. whether someone lies next you or not, you feel the illusion of loneliness and it is suffocating, i know.  it feels unbearable and all powerful. but it isn’t. the real problem is that you aren’t alone enough. because as isolated as…

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